Thursday, April 16, 2009

Being that I've quit smoking for over 8 months now which is still kind of recent I figure I could offer up some good infomration on the dnagers of smoking as a well as tips from personal experience. Hey maybe even my story of quitting will inspire just one person to quit too. Among the many reasons to quit smoking is the nictoine addiction. smokers have to have a cigarette because the body is telling them to do so. Lung cancer and heart disease are caused primarily by smoking. Also cigarette smoke contains many poisons such as cyanide and carbon monoxide. It makes you smells like butts everywhere you go, yellows the teeth, and wrinkles the skin. Smoking also can lead to chronic bronchitis as well as emphysema which is irreversible. In addition to all this smoking also weakens one's immune system leading to greater risk of disease and decreased athlectic performance. The price of cigarettes has also gone up which i think is good because it discourages smoking. Smoking also causes the build up of tar and plaque pon the lungs leading to everyone's favorite(not really) artheriosclerosis. Now for a few personal stories of why it is so bad. As a former smoker the things I didn't like included stinking like a nasty cigarette, coughing, hacking, and wheezing like an old person in public(not a good look), also not being able to breathe well or run up a flight of steps without being out of breath. Now that I've gone over 8 months with no smoking i've noticed dramatic changes. I can now breathe much better. It feels like my lungs are 2 times the size they were and I've resumed weight lifting and running in the gym regularly. Exercise amnd non smoking have made me feel much better. In addition to this I no longer have to worry about the stink and throwing away 10 bucks for a pack of cancer ssticks. So join me folks in the quest to continue non smoking, if you are a smoker you really need to quit because it's foul and if I can do it in a house of 3 smoker roomates that smoke and drink heavily daily, then you can too! Remember if you believe you can achieve!


  1. Well Im proud of you because quit of smoking it is a difficult thing to do. I dont smoke but my cousins do it and im trying to get him quiting so thanks for all these information and yes you can be and inspiration for those who want to quit. Keep going your gonna make it!! Good post.

  2. Nice post. Way to control it. Good job. Keep it up.

  3. That'sawesome that you have been able to keep up with that. My mom and dad both quit smoking about ten years ago. Although it's hard for some people, they woke up one morning and decided they did not want to hurt their health, or their children's health, and neither of them have smoked since then. Keep up the good work!

  4. good job sam! My brother quit also but hes dipping now ( hes not that very smart, as you know)haha but keep it up, youll live longer!

  5. I never could see the benefit of smoking. VERY proud of you for kicking the habit. Keep at it!!

  6. keep up the great work and great post.

  7. Luckily I have never gotten into smoking but I have seen friends struggle to try and quit. Kudos. You all so point out many of the reasons why people should quit smoking.
